2 February 2017
The working year (and, typically, the glorious summer weather) is now well underway for most of us, so we thought the time was right to check in, review our previous posts and ensure that our suggestions are proving useful. So please take a few minutes to think about what challenges you face in the workplace and what sort of posts would provide the most value for you – and then drop us a quick message. Now’s a great time to join our online community of like-minded professionals who are all sharing their advice, challenges and successes: everyone who fires through a bit of feedback goes in the draw to win an elegant glass carafe set and a copy of Personal Efficiency Program founder Kerry Gleeson’s definitive book on productivity, The Personal Efficiency Program: How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Win Back Control of Your Work.

But first, let’s refresh your memory. In December, we discussed goal setting. You’ll remember that one of the key aspects of goal setting is to be clear on the requirements of your role. So now that you’re back at work, we’d like to know: have you been able to achieve this clarity? Have you tried any goal setting apps, or discovered any of your own? If so, please share the details with us. The same applies to any inspirational stories you may have heard – let us know who’s motivated you to set the bar higher.
We followed up our post on goal setting with advice on how to achieve your targets. Once again, clarity is key. We trust that having followed some of the tips in our pre-Christmas planning post, your return to the office hasn’t been too chaotic and you’re clear on the strategies you will use to achieve your goals. Have you built a plan and are you managing to follow your timeline and schedule? Please share your challenges with us. Chances are one of our subscribers has encountered a similar situation and may have some insights to contribute. And if it’s all going brilliantly, tell us about that too. Your success may become another subscriber’s inspirational story.
Remember, too, to keep those emails under control. Our most recent post on email management provided some essential strategies for decluttering your inbox. Has any suggestion proved particularly useful to you, and why?
We know it’s difficult to find the time to provide feedback, and we appreciate any contribution. Post a comment or email us directly at pep@pepworldwide.co.nz. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!